All Family Child Care and School-Age Foundational courses have now been updated. The final two courses updated include the Program Management and Positive Guidance course.
The first of a new series required for all CYP staff is now available
At the request of OMFRP’s CYP Division the VLS is publishing a new series of supplemental trainings on child abuse prevention, identification, and reporting. Training 1 addresses appropriate expectations and responses to behavior.
New professional development opportunities, Foundational Course updates, celebrations, and research highlights
Targeted Professional Development modules for Direct Care Staff, three courses updated in the Family Child Care & School-Aged tracks, course access to the PSB Non-Clinical Referral Tool, and leading research for a more effective ECE workforce.
New Targeted PD addresses Safe Sleep, Goals, and Universal Supports
New Targeted Professional Development modules highlight key strategies for setting collaborative goals with staff, supporting safe sleep practices, and establishing strong routines for all children.
Updates to observation tools and Foundational courses now available
Revised Competency Reflections for all Foundational courses, updates to the Caregiving Observation & Reflection Tool, updates to Foundational courses in the Family Child Care & School-Aged tracks, and tips to help children and families eat and stay healthy this season.
New Professional Development and Focused Topics Course aimed at Program Managers, Updated Foundational Courses, and Research Highlights
Recently launched Targeted Professional Development, a new Leadership Focused Topics course, updates to all Foundational courses in Infant & Toddler and Preschool tracks, and research that illustrates the value in distributed leadership in early care and education.
New research, activities, and updated developmental milestones available
All Infant & Toddler and Preschool Foundational courses have been updated. The latest courses updated include Family Engagement, Learning Environments, Physical Development, Positive Guidance, Professionalism, Program Management, Self & Cultural Understanding, and Social & Emotional Development.