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2020 Q2 Newsletter

New VLS Content, Technical and Research Updates

Check out our updated content, activity upgrades, and upcoming Focused Topics courses

Course Release: Sexual Development & Behavior in K-12 Students

New Focused Topics Course Now Available

Learn ways to promote healthy sexual development and behavior in K-12 students

Supporting Adult Learners

Respecting Adult Learners is the Foundation for Effective Coaching Practices

Learn how to use adult learning theory to guide your coaching approach and how to use existing content, activities, and resources in the T&C and MGT tracks to support adult learners.

Anxiety in Children & Youth

Teach coping skills to support children in your program to move past anxious thoughts and experiences

Anxiety is a common mental health issue in children and youth. New guidance has been added to the Social & Emotional Development course in the School-Age track.

Activity Upgrade: Family Child Care Track

FCC activities have been changed from PDF to HTML

We are excited to announce the upgrade of activities in the FCC track.

2020 Q1 Newsletter

Three New Focused Topics Courses Released

Three new courses, Supporting Children with Challenging Behaviors, Sexual Development & Behavior in Children and Youth, and Trauma-Informed Care in Child Care Settings are now available in the Virtual Lab School Focused Topics track.

COVID-19 Child Care Support

Resources to support caregivers and their children during stressful times

Resources for dealing with COVID-19 and the world's response to support caregivers and their children.

Family Resources during COVID-19

Resources to support families while sheltering-in-place

This list is not exhaustive, but aims to help families know about a variety of developmentally appropriate and engaging ways to support their children during this unprecedented health crisis.

Navy Celebrates Milestone

Navy Professionals receive their Child Development Associate credential

Commencement ceremony for 120 CDA candidates hosted in Norfolk, Virginia

New Course Released: Trauma Informed Care in Child Care Settings

New Focused Topics Course Now Available

This four lesson course identifies the symptoms of trauma and highlights caregiving and program practices to support children, families and teachers that have been exposed to trauma.