In 2022, the VLS launched a new content type, Targeted Professional Development (TPD), to program leaders. TPD offerings are now available to support the training and professional development of direct care staff as well. Three new TPD are now available, two aimed at direct care staff and one focused on program leaders. Available TPDs can be accessed by logged-in military-affiliated users via the Progress Dashboard.
Collaborative Goal Setting: Developing Strong Goals to Support Success
Effective program leaders use collaborative goal setting with staff members to determine professional goals and support staff members’ need for autonomy and competence. Collaborative goal setting happens when program leaders and staff members work together to identify strengths and needs, establish goals and action plans, and implement practices to support high quality care and education. Collaborative Goal Setting: Developing Strong Goals to Support Success, is a new TPD module aimed at program leaders that highlights key strategies and tools for supporting staff in each step of the goal setting process.
Promoting Safe Sleep Practices for Infants
As someone who provides direct care to infants, it is your responsibility to protect the infants in your care by providing a safe sleep environment. Promoting Safe Sleep Practices for Infants is aimed at direct care staff and providers. This TPD module clearly defines Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID), and provides strategies to reduce the risk of sleep related deaths, how to create a safe sleep environment in the child care setting, and ways to discuss safe sleep practices with families.
Universal Supports: Routines that Support All Children
A supportive environment can help a child feel independent, secure, and confident. When children have predictable schedules and routines and know what to expect, it minimizes frustration and leads to more cooperative behavior. Within a high-quality environment there are universal caregiving practices that can help teachers and caregivers promote the development of self-regulation skills and prevent challenging behavior in all children. Universal Supports: Routines that Support All Children, is a new TPD module that highlights evidence-based strategies such as clearly defined expectations, supportive schedules and routines, and intentional transitions to enable you to prevent behavior challenges and better support children’s development and learning.