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2023 Q3 Newsletter

New course offerings, updates, and CDA supports for FCC providers

Course and activity updates for Training & Curriculum Specialists, a new TPD for school-age staff and providers, new CDA activities for family child care providers, and a new Focused Topics course on culturally responsive, equitable programs

Three Courses Updated in the Training & Curriculum Specialist Track

New content and fillable activities

Be sure to view our recent course updates and enhanced support materials for Training & Curriculum Specialists.

CDA Activities and Guide Available for Family Child Care Providers

Find new CDA activities embedded throughout the foundational courses of the Family Child Care Track

Now Family Child Care Providers can easily access activities used for building their CDA Professional Portfolio and earning a CDA Credential

Newly Released Targeted PD For School-Age Staff and Providers

Foster and enhance the relationships in your school-age program

School-age direct care staff and providers will examine key strategies in fostering positive relationships with school-age children in the newest Targeted PD training.

Required Supplemental Child Abuse Training #2 Due September 30, 2023 

The second training in the series is now available

This second training in the supplemental child abuse training series requested by the OMFRP CYP Division is required for all CYP personnel and family child care providers. The training emphasizes reporting requirements and how to respond and report child abuse and neglect in your program.

New Course on Culturally Responsive Programs

Creating Culturally Responsive Programs Course is Available Now

A new Focused Topics course has been released to address the importance of creating culturally responsive child and youth programs.

2023 Q2 Newsletter  

Foundational course updates, new activities, a new Focused Topics Course in development, and research highlights

Foundational Courses are now updated in all Direct Care tracks, an updated Physical Development resource is available for Training & Curriculum Specialists, and a new Focused Topics course aimed at Family Child Care Coordinators is in development.

Supporting Physical Activity in Children & Youth Training

All webinar recordings are now publicly available

Check out the recording of our latest webinar on physical health and wellness

FCC and SA Foundational Track Updates Complete

New content, resources, and activities available

All Family Child Care and School-Age Foundational courses have now been updated. The final two courses updated include the Program Management and Positive Guidance course.

Required Supplemental Child Abuse Training 1 Due May 31, 2023

The first of a new series required for all CYP staff is now available

At the request of OMFRP’s CYP Division the VLS is publishing a new series of supplemental trainings on child abuse prevention, identification, and reporting. Training 1 addresses appropriate expectations and responses to behavior.