Program leaders play a critical role in promoting active play and physical wellness in child and youth programs by supporting staff's engagement in high-quality physical activities and promoting a culture of health and wellness in the program. This month, the VLS team hosted a live leadership webinar, Promoting Active Play and Physical Wellness in Child & Youth Program, aimed at program leaders. The content of the webinar aligns with the White House’s Initiative on Health, Hunger, and Nutrition. In this training, we reviewed the research on physical wellness for children and youth, including the recommended daily doses of physical activity for various ages and the benefits of daily movement. We highlighted ways program leaders can help staff members or family child care providers support children’s physical development and healthy habits. We also identified VLS tools and resources that program leaders can use to support high-quality active play and physical wellness in their programs.
The recording of this webinar and previous live leadership webinars are now publicly available and can be accessed on the Live Leadership Recordings page.