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Sexual Behavior Challenges

In this lesson, you will learn about sexual behavior challenges and have the opportunity to think about what students may be trying to communicate when they engage in these behaviors. You will also learn about risk factors that may make students more vulnerable to exhibiting sexual behavior challenges. Finally, you will reflect on the language we use to describe students with sexual behavior challenges and how word choice affects a student’s sense of self, a student’s behaviors, and the types of support a student receives.

  • Familiarize yourself with examples of cautionary, problematic, and severe sexual behavior.
  • Understand how sexual behavior communicates messages.
  • Know the risk factors for sexual behavior challenges.
  • Use the appropriate terms for students with sexual behavior challenges.


Before we delve into exploring sexual behavior challenges, keep in mind that you should always think of students from a whole-person point of view. This means that student’s behavior and development, no matter how disruptive or delayed, are only parts of who they are. It can be easy, given the sensitive nature of sexual development and behavior, to focus in on student’s problems rather than thinking more openly about their uniqueness and strengths. This whole-person point of view should be reflected in both how you see the student as well as the language you use to describe the student. Remember that student’s behavior communicates messages, and an important part of your work as an educator is to interpret these messages so you develop a deep understanding of students’ lives, how they relate to the world around them, and the best ways to support their learning and growth.


Sexual Behavior Challenges: Cautionary and Problematic

Now that you have a base of knowledge for normative sexual development and behavior in students, you may be wondering about development and behavior that is not normative. Perhaps you have observed sexual behavior in your classrooms that doesn’t seem to fit into the normative category or wasn’t easily redirected. Let’s start by defining sexual behavior problems, which we will refer to throughout the course as sexual behavior challenges.

“Children ages 12 and younger who initiate behaviors involving sexual body parts (i.e. genitals, anus, buttocks, or breasts) that are developmentally inappropriate or potentially harmful to themselves or others” (Chaffin, et al., 2006).

Adolescents age 12–18 who engage in inappropriate sexual behaviors such as (California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse, 2019):

  • Sexual acts committed against the victim’s will, or involved aggression, exploitation, or threats.
  • Sexual acts committed against another person who was unable to provide permission or consent (e.g., children and those with cognitive, intellectual, or other disabilities).
  • Sexual acts that involve child pornography, solicitation.
  • Noncontact sexual offenses (e.g., exhibitionism, voyeurism).
  • Self-directed sexual behaviors (e.g., masturbation) that occur in public or semi-public areas and that persist even after intervention.

Remember that sexual behavior in students occurs on a continuum, and what is cautionary for one student may be normative for another student and context. Review the table from Lesson One to remind yourself of the general characteristics of each type of sexual behavior.

As you learn more about sexual behavior challenges, the lines can become even more blurry, especially when considering factors such as student’s intentions and functions for behavior.  Review the table below for examples of cautionary and problematic sexual behavior arranged by developmental stage. Keep in mind that these examples are guidelines, not clear-cut, hard-and-fast rules. What is normative sexual behavior versus a sexual behavior challenge may vary depending on various factors (culture and family, development, intention, frequency and participation, environment, effect on others, and ease of redirection).

Sexual Behavior Challenges

  • Rubbing body against others in a sexually stimulating way
  • Trying to insert tongue when kissing
  • Touching others’ genitals
  • Imitating what appears to be sexual acts
  • Continues to masturbate or touch genitals of self or others after adult redirection and beyond developmental expectations
  • Frequent repeated patterns of a variety of sexual behaviors
  • Requesting others to engage in specific sex acts
  • Sexual behaviors that cause emotional or physical pain
  • Advanced sexual knowledge
  • Inserting objects or fingers into genitals
  • Imitating sexual intercourse
  • Touching animals’ genitals
  • Planned and intrusive sexual behavior
  • Mouth to genital contact
  • Pretending toys are having sex
  • Attempting intercourse with others
  • Penetration of self or others with an object to genitals or rectum
  • Coercing others to engage in sexual behavior
  • Engaging in sexual behavior with students 2 or more years younger
  • More than typical preoccupation with sexual ideas or topics
  • Sexually advanced conversations with peers
  • Masturbates, touches, rubs, or exposes genitalia in public
  • Preoccupation with masturbation
  • Sexually suggestive behavior with toys and/or peers (clothed)
  • Group masturbation
  • Single occurrences of obscenities, peeping, exposing, nudity, rubbing clothed body against others
  • Greater than typical interest/attempts to see others private parts
  • Drawing sexual images
  • Advanced sexual knowledge for age and development
  • Frequently uses sexual language that makes other children uncomfortable
  • Sexually advanced conversations with peers and students of different ages
  • Touching others private parts
  • Rubbing others’ bodies
  • Initiating unclothed intercourse with peers
  • Demeaning of own or others genitals
  • Forcing others to expose themselves or to touch private parts
  • Use of threats, force, or aggression to engage in sexual behavior
  • Genital injury or bleeding not explained by accident
  • Repeated pattern of obscenities, peeping, or exposure
  • Interest in pornography
  • Masturbation that affects participation in other activities
  • Masturbation that involves penetration or use of objects
  • Penetration of any kind with students or animals
  • Mimicking intercourse with toys, peers, or animals
  • Sexually exploratory behavior with students 2 or more years younger
  • Preoccupation with masturbation
  • Masturbates, touches, rubs, or exposes genitalia in public
  • Advanced sexual knowledge for age and environment or culture
  • Attempting to expose the genitals of others
  • Occasional incidents of looking at others private parts after adult redirection and beyond developmental expectations
  • Compulsive masturbation or touching private parts in private or public
  • Masturbation with an object
  • Inserting objects into vagina or anal cavity
  • Touching or trying to touch adult’s private parts
  • Putting mouth on mother's or another women’s breasts
  • Putting mouth on another individual's genitals (child or adult)
  • Touching another child’s private parts
  • Touching animal genitalia
  • Exposing private parts to adults or other students
  • Asking others to engage in sexual behaviors
  • Sexually explicit threats--written or verbal
  • Intrusive, aggressive, or coercive mimicking of adult sexual behaviors
  • Attempting to have sexual intercourse with another child or adult
  • Intercourse
  • Attempting to undress other students against their will
  • Forcing exposure of other's genitals
  • Rape
  • Chronic pornographic interest or use
  • Interest or use of child pornography
  • Engaging in sexual behaviors with another child who is 2 or more years younger
  • Preoccupation with masturbation
  • Masturbates, touches, rubs, or exposes genitalia in public
  • Attempting to expose the genitals of others
  • Spying on others who are nude or engaged in sexual activity
  • Engages in unsafe sexual behavior
  • Compulsive masturbation (especially chronic or public)
  • Sexual preoccupation or anxiety that interferes with daily function
  • Preoccupation with sexually aggressive pornography
  • Giving out identifying details to online acquaintances
  • Preoccupation with chatting online
  • Sending nude or sexually provocative images of self or others electronically
  • Giving false gender, age, sexuality details online in an adult chat room
  • Use of sexually aggressive themes or obscenities
  • Sexual graffiti (chronic and impacting on others)
  • Violation of others’ personal spaces
  • Single occurrence of peeping, exposing, or nonconsenting sexual touch with known peers
  • Attempting to or forcing others to expose genitals
  • Sexual contact with others of significant age or developmental difference
  • Sexually explicit talk with young children
  • Forced sexual contact (touch, assault, rape)
  • Unsafe sexual behavior, including unprotected sex, sexual activity while intoxicated, multiple partners and frequent changes of partner
  • Sexual contact with animals
  • Genital or anal injury to others or self
  • Making written or verbal sexually explicit threats
  • Making obscene sexual phone calls or texts

Adapted from Military OneSource and Responding to Problem Sexual Behaviour in Children and Young People.)

Examining our own biases based on personal experiences with sexual development is important when working with students experiencing sexual behavior challenges. What are your initial feelings about the behaviors described? Perhaps you’ve observed some of these behaviors in your school; you may feel shocked or upset. While it is upsetting to think of students in some of the circumstances described, your knowledge around these topics builds understanding and awareness. It is difficult to give an estimate for how common sexual behavior problems are in students because there are not definite descriptions for what is normative versus a sexual behavior challenge. Some research suggests 2 to 3 percent of children will demonstrate sexual behaviors problems (Carpentier et al., 2006; Chaffin et al., 2008). It is likely that you will encounter students with sexual behavior challenges at some point during your work in education. The more informed you are about these behaviors, their complex nature, and how to respond, the more supportive you can be to these students and their families.

Behavior Communicates Messages

Take some time to think about sexual behavior challenges from the perspective of students, and remember that all behavior communicates meaning and messages. When students have sexual behavior challenges, what messages do you think they are trying to communicate? As you explore this question, it may be helpful to think generally about challenging behavior. “Acting out,” “disobeying,” and “inappropriate behavior” are often the result of students lacking the developmental and relationship-building skills needed to meet the expectations of the adults around them. When students have sexual behavior challenges, they often are trying to communicate the following messages:

  • “I don’t understand what I’m supposed to do.”
  • “This is how I know to communicate, get attention, and interact with others.”
  • “I don’t have the skills to do what you want me to do.”
  • “I cannot cope with the demands you place on me.”
  • “I’m confused by the different expectations of the people in my life.”

As you reflect on the statements above, how do these messages influence your thoughts about students with sexual behavior challenges? What do you do to model appropriate communication and behavior for your students? Do you see cautionary and problematic sexual behaviors as “acting out,” “disobeying,” and “inappropriate?” Or do you suspect students with sexual behavior challenges feel confused, scared, and unsure of themselves? If you have observed sexual behavior challenges in your classroom, think back on those experiences and the messages those students may have been trying to communicate. Consider what messages your behavior communicates when you respond to sexual behavior challenges and be mindful of what you are modeling. Though we do not view sexual behavior challenges as ideal for a student’s development and well-being, some students may have had experiences where these behaviors are adaptive for them or provide them something they need. For example, some children engage in sexual behaviors to cope with trauma or to gain relational closeness with others (Gilgum, 2006).

Risk Factors for Sexual Behavior Challenges

Sexual behavior challenges occur in students for a variety of reasons, and there are often multiple factors that contribute to students having these behaviors. There are no specific pathways that lead to sexual behavior challenges, but some circumstances are risk factors that increase the likelihood of sexual behavior challenges in students:

  • Lack of understanding about personal space (very common in elementary-age students)
  • Family adversity (poverty, minimal family support, limited educational opportunities, trauma)
  • Increased family sexuality (attitudes towards sex, nudity, and privacy; modeling of sexualized behavior)
  • Exposure to violence (domestic, community, war)
  • Placement in foster care (especially frequent home changes )
  • Increased number of stressful life events (family separation, incarceration, divorce, parental death, parental illness with hospitalization, child illness with hospitalization)
  • Emotional, behavioral, and/or developmental challenges or delays
  • Increased parental stress
  • Physical abuse
  • Exposure to sexualized media
  • Strained parent-child relationship
  • Limited supervision and monitoring
  • Coercive parenting and harsh discipline
  • Sexual abuse

When Sexual Behavior in Students May be a Sign of Abuse

Some of the risk factors for sexual behavior challenges are also risk factors for child abuse and neglect. Nevertheless, it is important not to assume that students with sexual behavior problems have also been abused. There are many instances where students with no history of abuse or neglect have sexual behavior challenges. Be sure to review your school’s policies and procedures for making mandated reports. Understandably, reporting abuse is often stressful and upsetting for educational professionals. If you are unsure whether you should make a report or if you feel you need support after making a report, speak with a trusted colleague, school counselor, or administrator. Remember that it is not your role to determine if abuse has actually occurred. You have fulfilled your duty as a mandated reporter and possibly stopped child abuse from further occurring when you report suspected and definitive child abuse and neglect.  


Students with sexual behavior challenges benefit most when adults recognize they have these challenges early. Listen as experts describe sexual behavior challenges, risk factors that may make students more susceptible, and protective factors or conditions that help children and adolescents overcome sexual behavior challenges.

Sexual Behavior Challenges

Listen to experts speak about sexual behavior challenges.


Language Matters: Speaking about Students with with Sexual Behavior Challenges

Think back to the reflective opportunities in Lesson One of this course when you thought about your own experiences and beliefs on sexual development and behavior in students. You learned that there are a wide range of cultural and personal beliefs around this topic that influence one’s comfort level and also frame reactions to sexual behavior in students. Keep this in mind when you communicate with coworkers and families about students with sexual behavior challenges. Similar to when you speak about students with disabilities, use person-first language. For example, “Lora has a history of sexual behavior challenges” is preferred over, “Lora is a problem student,” “sex offender,” “abuser,” or “sexual predator.” The language used to describe students with sexual behavior challenges affect how your school’s community and other systems of support, such as child welfare and law enforcement, make decisions. As an educator, it is paramount to communicate with student-first language versus terms that would be used in a legal setting. A term such as “sex offender” can have specific meaning to someone in law enforcement who may have little or no training in child development. A sex offender is a legal term for someone convicted of a sexual offense. What messages do we send students when we label them in this way? How do you think students feel when they are called terms such as “deviant?” Students, their families, and the community may interpret some terms to mean that these students are bad rather than guiding them to understand that what they did was wrong, but it does not mean they are bad students or bad children, adolescents, or young adults. There may be times when a student is found guilty regarding a sexually based offense that occurs while they are in your class or before they enter your classroom. Again, remember to use student-first language and recognize that many of the details of the offense may be kept confidential. Students can be convicted and labeled a sex offender for sending a nude photo of themselves because they are legally considered to have created and shared child pornography. Each state handles sexually based offenses differently, and it is important to reflect on the variability of offenses without passing judgment. Shaming students can deeply affect their social-emotional well-being, academics, and future behaviors. Review the table below for student-first language versus legal terms for students with sexual behavior challenges. 

Student-First Language

  • Sexual behavior problems
  • Sexual behavior challenges
  • Non-normative sexual behavior
  • Atypical sexual behavior
  • Objective statement of specific behavior (e.g., “Miles mimics intercourse-like behavior”)

Legal Terms

  • Sex offender
  • Child abuser
  • Sexual predator
  • Deviant
  • Perpetrator

Preventing Sexual Behavior Challenges through Community-Wide Safe Media & Technology Use

Think about the ever-present role of media and technology in our lives. As it becomes more common for families to have various electronic devices in their homes and for students to spend increasing amounts of time on them, many students’ access to sexually explicit content occurs earlier and through more mediums (TV, social media, internet search, print). Even in family environments where there is close supervision of students and their media use, it is impossible to control everything students are exposed to.

Peers can heavily influence the sexual knowledge of other students. Students with more knowledge and exposure to sexual content through media may talk about what they’ve seen and heard with peers, and the sexual knowledge of one student in your school can influence the sexual knowledge of many other students.

Let’s consider how media use affects the severity or type of sexual behavior. Elementary-age students might engage in, “show me yours, and I’ll show you mine” behavior and expose their private parts to each other. Middle and high school students may find sexually explicit images or pornography. On their own, each example is a normative sexual behavior driven by curiosity and is likely harmless. If one of the students in either situation used a tablet and began to take pictures of student’s genitals, this becomes a much more serious concern and under some laws may be considered child pornography. While you cannot control what happens in families’ homes, family life experiences affect student’s knowledge and behavior while in your school. Building awareness of the effects media exposure may have on sexual behavior creates a school community that is more knowledgeable on how to prevent sexual behavior challenges. Again, think about active supervision of electronics (e.g., smartphones, tablets, and computers) in your classroom. What is your school’s policy on student electronics? Your classroom policy? Consider how you can manage the use of technology to make sure that students use it safely.


Choose at least one Case Study below from elementary, middle, or high school, and complete the coordinating activity. Share your responses with an administrator or other school leader. Use the Sexual Behavior Reflection Tool from Lesson Two to guide your thinking on how to respond to these behaviors. In Lesson Five, you will have the opportunity to revisit these case studies to brainstorm further action steps and support.


Through your relationships with families, think about how you can build a community that knows how to prevent sexual behavior challenges. In addition to information on Normative Sexual Development and Behavior (in the Apply section of Lesson Two), consider sharing this Safe Media & Technology Use for Children, Youth, and Families handout with the families in your school.


adaptive behavior:
Behavior that is to one’s benefit in a particular environment
Series of steps where the steps directly next to each other may not be that different but the extremes are very different
Purposeful exposure of genitalia or breasts in public or semi-public areas
Placing a part of one’s body or an object into a bodily opening related to sex
A strong lack of respect for a person or a group of people or a bad opinion of them because they have done something society does not approve of
Sexual interest or pleasure from spying on others in intimate, private situations such as undressing or sexual activities


True or false? All students who display sexual behavior challenges have been sexually abused.
Ten-year-old Fred displays a sexual behavior challenge in his fifth-grade classroom. Select which message is least likely to explain Fred’s behavior: 
Select which example illustrates risk factors for sexual behavior challenges: 
References & Resources

AAP Council on Communication and Media. (2016). Media Use in School-Age Children and Adolescents. Pediatrics, 138(5).

AAP Council on Communication and Media. (2016). Media and Young Minds. Pediatrics, 138(5).

American Academy of Pediatrics. (2020). Media and children communication toolkit.

Break the Cycle and the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault. (2019). End tech abuse. Retrieved from

California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare Information and Resources for Child Welfare Professionals. (2019). Sexual Behavior Problems Treatment (Adolescents). Retrieved from

Carpentier, M. Y., Silovsky, J. F., Chaffin, M. (2006). Randomized trial of treatment for children with sexual behavior problems: Ten-year follow-up. Journal of Consulting Clinical Psychology, 74(3).

Chaffin, M., Berliner, L., Block, R., Cavanaugh Johnson, T., Friedrich, W. N., Garza Louis, D., Lyon, T. D., Page, J., Prescott, D., Silovsky, J. F., Madden, C. (2006). Report on the Task Force on Children with Sexual Behavior Problems. Findings from the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers.

Friedrich, W.N. (1993). Sexual victimization and sexual behavior in children: A review of recent literature. Child Abuse & Neglect, 17(1).

Gilgun, J. F. (2006). Children and adolescents with problematic sexual behaviors: Lessons from research on resilience. In D. Prescott, & R. Lango (Eds.), Current perspectives on working with sexually aggressive youth and youth with sexual behavior problems. (pp. 383-394). Holyoke, MA: Neari Press.

Healey A., Mendelsohn A., AAP COUNCIL ON EARLY CHILDHOOD. (2019). Selecting Appropriate Toys for Young Children in the Digital Era. Pediatrics, 143(1).

Horner, G. (2004). Sexual behavior in children. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 18(2).

Responding to Problem Sexual Behaviour in Children and Young People: Guidelines for staff in education and care settings. (2010).

Silovksy, J. F. & Niec, L. (2002). Characteristics of Young Children with Sexual Behavior Problems: A Pilot Study. Child Maltreatment, 7(3).

Silovsky, J. F., Swisher, L., Widdifield, Jr., J., & Burris, L. (2011). Clinical Considerations when Children have Problematic Sexual Behavior. In P. Goodyear-Brown (Ed.). The Handbook of Child Sexual Abuse: Prevention, assessment and treatment (pp. 401-429). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

St. Amand, A., Bard, D.E., Silovsky, J. F. (2008). Meta-analysis of Treatment for Child Sexual Behavior Problems: Practice Elements and Outcomes. Child Maltreatment, 13(2).