Case Study - Sexual Behavior Challenges - Elementary School - Jasmin |
Read the case study about Jasmin, then complete the Sexual Behavior Reflection Tool. Reflect on your responses with a colleague. Jasmin is a kindergarten student and new to the school and classroom. She can speak but does not communicate with others and struggles to follow simple instructions. Jasmin pays little attention to peers and adults and prefers to be alone. Teachers have been trying to learn more about what Jasmin enjoys doing at home so they can engage her in more activities while at school. Jasmin’s favorite activity is throwing things—toys, cups, and various other objects. The family’s pediatrician told Lauren and Tyler, Jasmin’s parents, that Jasmin “probably has autism” and recommended they have further evaluation by the school psychologist. Lauren and Tyler were angry when this happened, and have said they are going to, “find a new doctor.” The school continues to work with the family, but teachers are finding it increasingly challenging to engage and support Jasmin’s learning. Over the past few months, Jasmin frequently displays concerning sexual behaviors. She will put her hands down her pants and touch her genitals in a self-stimulatory way. The teachers report that this occurs during free choice time, when Jasmin likes to hang out in the bean bag area. The other students notice and some will say things like, “I don’t want to be near nasty Jasmin.” In the bathroom, Jasmin tries to quickly strip off all of her clothes. When the teachers try to help Jasmin get dressed or try to redirect her from touching her genitals, Jasmin becomes agitated and will smack people in the face. Her teachers report that they have tried to redirect the behaviors and are using social stories, but things have not gotten better. ![]() Is the behavior random or infrequent?
No. These are ongoing behaviors that occur frequently throughout the day.
![]() Is the behavior typical for the child’s age and developmental ability?
It is common for students this age and developmental stage to explore their bodies and engage in self-stimulating touch, but her agitated response to redirection is not typical.
![]() Is the behavior driven by curiosity, exploration, and playfulness?
The behaviors seem to be driven by Jasmin’s interest in self-stimulation and exploring her body. While this is somewhat typical, this is interfering with her engagment with peers and school activities.
![]() If other students are involved, is it mutual and good-humored?
Other students have observed the behavior and recognize it is not typical. Jasmin's behavior may further socially isolate her at school.
![]() If other students are involved, do they know each other well and are they of a similar age and development (<2 years)?
The students who observe Jasmin's behaviors are students in the same classroom.
![]() Is the behavior easily redirected?
No. Teachers find it very difficult to redirect Jasmin to other activities or interests and she becomes agitated.
Normative Sexual Behavior?
Jasmin’s sexual behaviors are repeated, they are difficult to redirect, and they interfere with her social interaction and learning. Jasmin's sexual behaviors are non-normative, and she needs greater support than what her teaching team already provides.