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Normative Behavior in Children and Adolescents

In order to understand student sexual behavior challenges (cautionary, problematic, and severe), you must first have foundational knowledge of normative sexual development and behavior. In this lesson, you will review common examples of normative sexual behavior and learn how to respond in the moment and after the fact. Also, you will read suggestions for ways schools can promote healthy sexual development and prevent sexual behavior challenges.

  • Familiarize yourself with examples of normative sexual behaviors.
  • Learn the steps to respond in the moment and after the fact.
  • Promote healthy sexual development and prevent sexual behavior challenges.


One theme throughout this course is that sexual development and behavior is not black-and-white. As discussed in Lesson One, sexual development is made up of many parts, and many factors influence those parts. This is why it is challenging to place behavior into a single category, including even normative behavior. Use the information you learn about normative sexual development and behavior as guidelines rather than hard and fast rules. Remember that normative sexual behavior in students is typical and follows a developmental sequence but also varies depending on the individual.


Normative Sexual Development and Behavior

Whether you teach kindergartners or high school seniors, all of your students began their sexual development journey at the same point—birth. Imagine that you have gone back in time to that point, when your students were newborns. Newborn babies learn through being held, rocked, and fed that physical touch is soothing and enjoyable. Once infants develop more motor control, they begin to explore all parts of their bodies including their genitals. Touching private parts is often one of the first sexual behaviors caregivers observe in children. The term “private parts” is used to refer to genitals, breasts, buttocks, or areas of the body usually covered by a swimsuit. While touching genitals is considered a sexual behavior because it involves a body part or is a topic we consider private, it is important that you think of behavior from the viewpoint of the individual child. As students grow, so does their understanding of what is sexual, and we must remember not to sexualize, or place unnecessary sexual meaning, on behaviors we observe in students.

By the time your students enter school, they will have had diverse experiences and be at different points on their sexual development journey. Elementary students showing curiosity about bodily differences, middle school students telling each other sexual jokes, and high school students holding hands in the hallway are all examples of exploratory, normative sexual behaviors. You may see normative sexual behavior referred to as “sex play” in younger students due to its curious and innocent nature. Review the chart below to learn other examples of normative sexual development and behavior for students at different developmental stages.

Birth to 6 Years
  • Males can have erections beginning at birth.
  • Newborn females may have a period-like vaginal discharge in the days following birth.
  • Explores and touches own genitals in public and private.
  • May enjoy being nude in public or private, lack of modesty.
  • Talks about body parts and bodily functions (bathroom talk).
  • Shows private parts to familiar people.
  • Stands very close to others, lack of personal space awareness.
  • Participates in pretend play involving touch (doctor, caring for baby).
  • Curious when family members are undressing, bathing, or toileting.
  • Touches adult breasts (especially mother’s).
5 to 8 years
  • Occasionally explores and touches own private parts when alone.
  • Develops modesty and understanding of private topics and activities.
  • Developing awareness of privacy about bodies.
  • Discusses private parts and bodily functions with children of similar age.
  • Playfully exposes or touches others’ private parts, may ask others to do the same (you show me yours, I’ll show you mine).
  • Kisses/hugs familiar adults and children.
  • Stands very close to others, lack of personal space awareness.
  • Participates in pretend play involving touch (doctor, caring for baby).
  • Curiosity about birth, life cycles, where babies come from.
  • Curiosity about bodies and nudity.
  • Imitates flirtatious or romantic behavior.
  • Uses foul language, tells inappropriate jokes, or uses sexually explicit gestures.
6 to 12 years
  • Masturbates in private.
  • Wants privacy.
  • Females may begin menstruation (average onset in U.S. is 12 years).
  • May begin to develop secondary sex characteristics (pubic hair, enlarged breasts, facial hair, etc.).
  • Shows a growing knowledge of physical changes, reproduction, sexuality.
  • Plays games that may be of a sexual nature (truth or dare).
  • Finds humor in exposing private parts, may ask others to do the same (flashing or mooning).
  • Stands very close to others, lack of personal space awareness.
  • Uses foul language, tells inappropriate jokes, or uses sexually explicit gestures.
  • Experiences exposure to and interest in sexually explicit language and media
  • Begins to develop sexual attraction to peers
12 to 15 Years
  • Shows a general interest in sexual topics.
  • Reads information about sex and views images with sexual content.
  • Attempts to satisfy curiosity by "peeping"—secretly observing people when they are naked, such as when they are bathing or changing clothes.
  • Boys will experience frequent erections.
  • Girls may find they produce vaginal secretions for no apparent reason.
  • Experiments with sexual arousal through masturbation.
  • Both boys and girls may start to experiment with sexual arousal through flirting, hugging, and playfully hitting or tickling other youth they are romantically interested in. They may also start kissing or "making out" with other teens.
  • Experiments with vocalizing their sexual thoughts when they are with other teens—telling sexual jokes, hinting at their own sexuality.
  • Concerned with other people's opinions and judgments of them.
  • Both boys and girls will become more modest about their own nudity, even around people of the same sex.
15 to 18 Years
  • Interested in developing romantic relationships with partners.
  • Girls tend to be more concerned about the biological consequences of sexual activity, so they may begin to research topics such as reproduction, pregnancy, and contraceptives, and they may ask more questions about these topics.
  • Both boys and girls fantasize about sexual acts and wonder about what their limitations should be.
  • May experiment with foreplay behaviors such as erotic stimulation, touch, and massage, and may also experiment with different types of sexual intercourse, such as oral and anal sex or mutual masturbation.
  • Sexual activity increases and intensifies for both boys and girls, whether by masturbation or in partnered sexual activity.
  • May engage in sexual activity more frequently and their participation may become more intense and varied as their sexual experience increases.
  • Those whose sexual development proceeded more slowly than their peers may begin to experiment with their sexuality.

What are your thoughts on the normative sexual behaviors described in the chart above? Have you observed these behaviors when working with students? The lines between expected ages for normative sexual behavior can be unclear and are influenced by students’ family experiences. Be aware that there are normative behaviors for some students not included in the chart above. For example, some mothers choose to extend breastfeeding well beyond infancy and toddlerhood. It may be normative for a child who breastfeeds through their preschool or early elementary years to continue to nestle with and touch their mother’s breasts beyond the age of 6. Another way that family environments influence sexual knowledge is through their child’s media exposure. It is common for some families to have the television or electronic devices on throughout the day, with varying levels of awareness and supervision regarding the content. Students who have viewed or heard adult media content may have somewhat more advanced knowledge of sex and adult relationships. You might hear a student with such a family environment use sexually explicit language or tell jokes of a sexual nature. This student may not understand the effects of these actions, rather they simply imitate what they have seen on the TV or screens at home.

Responding to Sexual Behavior: In the Moment

In Lesson One, you were able to reflect on any discomfort you may have about sexual development and behavior. Remember, it can take time to change practices as you learn new information. Even for educators with knowledge and experience with child and youth sexual behavior, it is common to respond to student’s sexual behaviors by panicking or becoming flustered. Although sexual behavior is typical, and most of what you will likely observe in students is normative, it is still important to teach students boundaries and provide support. Review the following guidelines for how to respond to student’s sexual behavior in the moment.

  1. Pause
    • Remain calm
    • Collect your thoughts
  2. Redirect
    • Change the routine or environment
    • Suggest other activities
  3. Listen
    • Find out information
    • Understand from the student's viewpoint
  4. Teach
    • Communicate expectations and rules
    • Reinforce appropriate behavior
pause icon


The first part of a best practice response to an observed sexual behavior is to pause. This allows you to collect your thoughts and remain calm so you can take a few moments to think about the behavior you’ve observed. It’s OK if you need to step away from the situation, as long as you make sure students are unharmed and appropriately supervised. For example, in a second grade classroom you observe Abby touching Pablo’s genitals over clothing in the reading center. While you see that this is innocent play and both students are laughing, pause and resist any urge you may have to yell, “Stop!” or “No touching there!”

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Redirect sexual behavior using positive guidance by providing other ways for students to engage. You might do this by suggesting activities or changing the routine or environment. It’s important to maintain a calm facial expression and tone of voice when redirecting. You can redirect Abby and Pablo by saying, “Let’s puts the books away and choose a different center, please.” Showing a stronger response, such as anger or worry, can be upsetting to students and may create heightened reactions on their part. Be aware that it is important not to shame students.

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If the students involved are able to communicate what happened, you should follow-up after the incident using open-ended questions and thoughtfully listen to their responses. Having another adult present for these conversations can be helpful so that they can document the conversation while you listen attentively to the student’s responses. Understanding what happened from student’s viewpoints helps you know the function or why the behavior occurred. However, be aware that many students will not understand why they engage in sexual behaviors. This is especially true for students who are still learning what is public versus private and are developing an understanding of real versus pretend. Students may be inclined to lie about what was going on, especially if they sense there was wrongdoing or know that their actions are taboo. While we don’t encourage students to lie, recognize that this shows they likely understand that the behavior is inappropriate for the school setting. Some students with developmental delays will not be able to communicate their viewpoint. Remember to think about the development and environment of these students to gain perspective on why they engage in sexual behavior. You can later ask Abby and Pablo separately, “What were you and (Abby/Pablo) playing in the reading center?”

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Use developmentally appropriate language and positive guidance to teach students rules and expectations. It may be appropriate to label behaviors using simple language so that elementary-age students learn how to respond about the behaviors they engage in, especially for students with emerging language skills. For Abby and Pablo, you can revisit safe and unsafe touch individually and with the entire class by discussing examples and having the students practice asking for and declining permission to touch.

Because culture and family norms will vary, there are likely behaviors that are acceptable for students to engage in at home but not in your school. It’s important to acknowledge when students may have different rules at home, some students may argue with you; for example, “Mom lets me do it.” Be respectful of families’ choices around sexual knowledge and behavior (as long as there are not signs of abuse). Criticizing families’ decisions in front of students creates confusion for the students and may insult families.

Responding to Sexual Behavior: After the Fact

Once you have observed and responded to student’s sexual behavior in the moment, you will follow-up with additional steps. Again, student’s sexual behavior is not black-and-white, and you may need time to process what happened and how you responded. Work with a trusted coworker during these steps so you know you are moving forward in a way that best supports the students involved.

  1. Reflect
    • Consider all known information
    • Determine the type of behavior
  2. Prepare
    • Know how to respond in the moment: pause, redirect, listen, and teach, in the future
  3. Communicate
    • Communicate with the teaching team
    • Determine communication with families
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The first step in responding to sexual behavior after the fact is to reflect on your observation and document the behavior to determine the frequency, patterns and whether the behavior is normative. The Sexual Behavior Reflection Tool walks you through this process, though you may need a member of your school’s leadership team to help you, guide you, or discuss it with you. If you answer yes to the six questions in the reflection tool, the sexual behavior is most likely normative. Remember that this is not black and white, and there will be times when you cannot confidently answer yes or no. It may be helpful to complete the Sexual Development Definition and Factors handout to help you gather all related information about the students involved and determine appropriate action steps. Both of these documents are in the Apply section.

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Be prepared in case you observe the same sexual behavior again. Remember that normative behavior is usually infrequent, so the students involved may not engage in the behavior again while under your supervision. But because normative sexual behaviors are common among students, you might observe the same behaviors in other students. Prepare with a trusted colleague or administrator how in the future, you will carry out the steps to respond in the moment: pause, redirect, listen, and teach. Use the Responding to Sexual Behavior handout in the Apply section as a quick reference to map out your plans.

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Collaborate with a trusted colleague or a member of your school’s leadership team to determine whether you should communicate to families’ about their student’s sexual behavior. This should be decided on a case-by-case basis. In some instances, where for example you may have introduced a student to a new term, it is best to let the student’s family know that this has occurred and why. Other times, such as when a student demonstrates an isolated (no other students are involved) and normative behavior, you and a trusted colleague or school leader may determine that the situation is similar to any other time you would redirect and support a student. In this case, you may not feel the need to highlight the incident more than what you would typically communicate with the family. If a family asks you about a specific sexual behavior or development, you should of course be respectful, honest, and objective in providing feedback.


Supportive responses from adults help students learn expected behavior in the school setting and develop healthy relationships. As you listen to Ms. Tomeshia Barnes of the Department of Defense Education Activity, reflect on ways you can implement the steps discussed.

Supportive Responses

Listen as a school professional describes supportive responses.


Promoting Healthy Sexual Development and Preventing Sexual Behavior Challenges

Promotion and prevention are important concepts for educators, and these also apply to sexual development and behavior. You can promote healthy sexual development and prevent sexual behavior challenges by empowering students with knowledge about their bodies, their rights, and safe behaviors. Consider your classroom-management style and how it can prevent sexual behavior challenges. Active supervision, established routines, and classroom setup all play important roles in keeping students safe. Review the suggestions below and reflect on how you may already be doing these things and whether there are new ideas you would like to implement.


Elementary and Early Middle School Students

  • Teach parts of the body using correct terminology.
  • Respond to questions about bodies and the life cycle with simple, developmentally appropriate answers. “The hole in your penis is your urethra.” “The lumps under my shirt are my breasts.” “Babies grow inside a mother.”
  • Our bodies change as we grow, and our bodies are all different.
  • Continue to teach and label “safe touch” and “unsafe touch.”
  • Teach students to ask permission, even when using safe touch. “Can I hold your hand?”
  • Teach students to read each other’s cues and healthy ways to express emotions. “How did Leah feel when you put your hands on her legs?”
  • Teach students the characteristics of friendship and respect (beginning anti-bullying concepts).
  • Teach personal space using simple language, “bubble” or “Hula Hoop.”
  • Continue with simple rules:
    • “We keep our private parts covered.”
    • “We don’t touch others’ private parts.”
    • “No one should see your private parts unless you need help keeping your body clean.”
    • “No one should touch you in ways that make you feel sad or hurt.”
  • “Private” is when you are alone and “public” is when you are with other people.
  • Teach students to ask for permission before taking any pictures or video of others.
  • Teach students that they should give permission before others take pictures or video of them.
  • It is OK to touch your private parts when you are alone.
  • Actively supervise students in school environments
  • Your body is special and it is yours.
  • Have readily available information on sexual development and behavior for families.

Middle and High School Students

  • Provide accurate information about puberty, reproduction, and the life cycle.
  • Use accurate information to answer questions about sex and sexual health.
  • Teach students to ask permission, even when using acceptable forms of touch.
  • Teach concepts of healthy relationships, including friendships and romantic partners.
  • Teach students to read each other’s cues and respectfully disagree on opinions and preferences while maintaining relationships and friendships.
  • Reinforce ways to treat yourself and others with respect and dignity.
  • Inform students that they can speak with trusted adults in school if they have private questions or concerns.
  • Create clear rules around personal space, privacy, dating and signs of affection, and use of technology.
  • Reinforce that students should ask for permission before taking any pictures or video of others.
  • Reinforce that students should give permission before others take any pictures or video of them.
  • Teach students to prevent, recognize, and respond to bullying.
  • Teach students the importance of knowing the legal rulings in their state regarding permission versus consent for sexual interactions.
  • Introduce the concept of sexual harassment.
  • Teach students about the various types of abuse.
  • Teach students that masturbation is normal and healthy but a private activity.
  • Actively supervise students in school environments.
  • Have female hygiene products available (average onset of menstruation in the U.S. is 12 years).
  • Have readily available information on sexual development and sexual health for families.


You will now have the opportunity to revisit a Case Study from Lesson One about Avery (elementary), Devon and Kelly (middle school), or Taylor and Alex (high school). Determine if you think their sexual behaviors are normative using the Sexual Behavior Reflection Tool which you can find in the Apply section of this lesson.


Use the following guides and tools to support your responses, communication, and preparedness when you observe sexual behavior in students. You may consider making the Normative Childhood Sexual Development and Behavior handout available to families.


Factual information not influenced by personal feelings or opinions
private parts:
Genitals, breasts, buttocks or areas covered by a swimsuit
Place adult or advanced sexual meaning on a child’s behavior


When responding in the moment to student’s sexual behavior, the first step is to. . . 
Select which is not an example of normative sexual development and behavior.
True or false? The best way to respond to instances of sexual behavior in students after the fact is to follow these steps: communicate, reflect, and prepare.
References & Resources

Bancroft, J. (Eds.). (2003). Sexual development in childhood. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.

Break the Cycle and the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault. (2019). End tech abuse. Retrieved from

Chumlea, W.C., Schubet, C., Roche, A.F., Kulin, H.E., Lee, P.A., Himes, J.H., Shumei, S.S. (2003). Age at menarche and racial comparisons in US girls. Pediatrics, 11(1), 110-113.

Friedrich, W.N., Fisher, J., Broughton, D., Houston, M., Shafran, C.R. (1998). Normative sexual behavior in children: A contemporary sample. Pediatrics, 101(4), e9-e9.

Friedrich, W. N., Fisher, J. L., Dittner, C. A., Acton, R., Berliner, L., Butler, J., et al. (2001). Child sexual behavior inventory: Normative, psychiatric, and sexual abuse comparisons. Child Maltreatment, 6(1), 37–49.

Future of Sex Education Initiative. (2012). National sexuality education standards: Core content and skills, K-12 [a special publication of the Journal of School Health].

Hagan, J.F., Shaw, J.S., Duncan, P. (Eds.). (2008). Theme 8: Promoting healthy sexual development and sexuality. In Bright futures: Guidelines for health supervision of infants, children, and adolescents (3rd ed.) (pp.169-176). Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics.

Kellog, N.D., Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect. (2009). Clinical report: The evaluation of sexual behaviors in children. Pediatrics, 124(3), 992-8.

Lucier-Greer, M., Nichols, L. R., Peterson, C., Burke, B., Quichocho, D. & O’Neal, C.W. (2018). A brief guide to understanding and responding to normative and problematic sexual behaviors among children. Auburn, AL: Military REACH.

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network & National Center on Sexual Behavior of Youth. (2009). Sexual development and behavior in children: Information for parents and caregivers.

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network & National Center on Sexual Behavior of Youth. (2009). Understanding and coping with sexual behavior problems in children.

Oswalt Morelli, A. (n.d). Child development theory adolescence (12-24). Mental Health Services of Southern Oklahoma. 

Phipps-Yonas, S., Yonas, A., Turner. M., Kamper, M. (1993). Sexuality in early childhood: The observations and opinions of family daycare providers. CURA Reporter. (23) 1-5.

Smith, M. (1993). Pediatric Sexuality: Promoting normal sexual development in children. Nurse Practitioner, 18 (8), 37-44.

South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault and Family Violence. (2017). Age appropriate sexual behaviors in children and young people: Information for careers, professionals and the general public. East Bentleigh: SECASA. 

Steinberg, S.B. (2017). Sharenting: Children’s privacy in the age of social media. Emory Law Journal, 66, 839-884.

Swisher, L.M., Silovsky, J.F., Stuart, R.H., Pierce, K. (2008). Children with sexual behavior problems. Juvenile and Family Court Journal, 59(4), 49-69.