Family Child Care (FCC) is a valuable resource to many military families. A new Focused Topics course, Valuing & Building Family Child Care, was developed to explore the benefits of this type of care to children and families and to examine the critical role that FCC coordinators play in supporting and sustaining this type of care. This five-lesson course, aimed at FCC coordinators, addresses the importance of recruiting and retaining quality FCC programs and speaks to the unique role and needs of FCC providers. It provides a larger overview of FCC programming and its strengths in supporting children's development, as well as an examination of the different systems of oversight and support for FCC programs, which are the key factors that help promote high-quality care in FCC settings. Additionally, this course guides FCC coordinators in reflection about the benefits and barriers to operating an FCC home; the unique supports that FCC providers may need; key strategies for mentoring, supporting, and retaining providers; and the specific role coordinators play in building a strong network of providers. The course aims to uplift and celebrate the work of everyone in family child care.