2 months
- Holds head up when on tummy
- Moves both arms and both legs while on back
- Raises head and chest while lying on stomach
- Primitive reflexes present, including the rooting and sucking reflex
- Grasps adult finger
- Briefly relaxes hands from fists for short period of time
4 months
- Holds head steady without support
- Pushes onto elbows when lying on tummy
- Holds a toy when you put it in his hand
- Brings hands to mouth
- Swings arm at objects
6 months
- Rolls from tummy to back
- Pushes up with straight arms when on tummy
- Leans on hands to support self when sitting
- Supports weight equally on legs when standing with support
- Holds hands together
- Shakes and bangs rattles
9 months
- Gets to sitting position independently
- Sits without support
- Lowers body to sitting while using support
- Moves things from one hand to another
- Uses fingers to “rake” food towards self
1 year
- Walks holding onto furniture
- Pulls up to stand
- Drinks from a cup without a lid with adult support
- Uses thumb and finger “pincer grasp” to pick up small items
15 months
- Takes a few steps independently
- Squats to pick up an object from the floor and then stands up without support
- Uses fingers to feed self some food
- Makes marks on paper using crayon
18 months
- Walks without support
- Climbs on and off a couch or chair without help
- Drinks from a cup
- Feeds herself with fingers
- Tries to use a spoon
- Tries to kick a ball after observing an adult
2 years
- Kicks a ball
- Runs
- Walks (not climbs) up stairs with or without help
- Eats with a spoon
- Tries to use switches, knobs, or buttons on a toy
30 months
- Jumps off the ground with both feet
- Uses hands to twist things like doorknobs or unscrewing lids
- Takes off loose clothing alone
- Turns book pages, one at a time
3 years
- Climbs well
- Runs easily
- Pedals a tricycle
- Walks up and down stairs, one foot on each step
- Strings items together, like large beads or macaroni
- Dresses self in loose clothing
- Uses a fork
4 years
- Hops and stands on one foot up to two seconds
- Catches a bounced ball most of the time
- Pours, cuts with supervision, and mashes own food
- Uses scissors
- Draws a person with two to four body parts
- Starts to copy some capital letters
5 years
- Stands on one foot for 10 seconds
- Hops, may be able to skip
- Can do a somersault
- Swings and climbs
- Uses a fork and spoon
- Can print some letters and numbers
- Draws a person with six body parts
6-8 years
- Strong motor skills, but balance and endurance can vary
- Develops a quicker reaction time
- Can use scissors and small tools
- Can tie their shoelaces
- May begin writing in print and cursive
9-12 years
- Engage or becomes interested in team sports
- Enjoy active play, such as bike-riding, swimming, and running games
- Gets dressed independently
- Uses simple toos, such as a hammer, by themselves
- Enjoy to draw, paint, make jewelry, build models, or do other activities that use their fine motor skills
- Bushes hair and teeth without help