Resources to support families and child care providers
The protests around the country centered on systemic racism and the civil unrest that we are experiencing has prompted many people to search for ways to expand their knowledge on race and racism, including how to talk to children about this topic. The following resource list has been created for parents and caregivers interested in expanding their own knowledge of race, supporting anti-biased classrooms, and creating an open dialogue with children about race and racism.
Resources on Talking with Children about Race and Racism:
- American Academy of Pediatrics:
- Center for Racial Justice in Education:
- Child Mind Institute:
- Healthline:
- Military Families Learning Network:
- National Association for the Education of Young Children: - Nationwide Children’s Hospital:
- National Geographic:
- National Museum of African American History and Culture:
- New York Times:
- PACT Adoption Alliance:
- Psychology Today:
- Public Broadcasting Service (PBS):
- Raising Race Conscious Children:
Resources to Learn More About Race, Equity, Bias and Social Justice:
- A newsletter offering recommending readings, booklists, and anti-racism resources.
- A multiracial community of parents, teachers, experts, and other caring adults who support each other to meet the challenges that race poses to our children, families, and communities. Articles, webinars and podcasts tackling topics of race, justice and equity.
- An interactive set of tests to learn more about what types of implicit biases you may have about various groups of people
- An interactive training experience to learn more about what implicit bias is and how it may impact interactions with others
- An overview of early childhood expulsions and the “Preschool to Prison Pipeline.”
- This site offers tools, research, tips ideas for people who want to increase their own understanding or to help those working toward justice. It includes a “Fundamentals” section that can help you understand terms that are commonly used in this work
- The First Step for Addressing Bias in Infant and Toddler Programs from ZERO TO THREE
Integrating Concepts of Race, Equity, Anti-bias and Social Justice within Early Childhood Teaching Practices:
- Child Trends - Supporting Families and Child Care Providers during the Pandemic with a Focus on Equity
- Derman-Sparks, L., Edwards, J.O., & Goins, C. (2020). Anti-bias education for young children & ourselves (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: NAEYC.
- Derman-Sparks, L., & Ramsey, P.G. (2011). What if all the kids are white? Anti-bias multicultural education with young children and families (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
- Derman-Sparks, L., LeeKeenan, D., & Nimmo, J. (2015). Leading anti-bias early childhood programs: A guide for change. New York, NY: Teachers College Press, Wahington, DC: NAEYC.
- Kissinger, K. (2017). Anti-bias education in the early childhood classroom: Hand in hand, step by step. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Mwenelupembe, A., & Friedman, S. (2020). Each & every child: Teaching preschool with an equity lens. Washington, DC: NAEYC.
- Tatum, B.D. (2008). Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria?: And other conversations about race. New York, NY: Basic Books.
Books on Race, Culture, Equity and Social Justice for Children and Adults:
- Picture books aligned with each chapter of NAEYC’s Anti-Bias Education for Young Children & Ourselves. Note: This website also has a searchable database of books arranged by child age and topic.
- A list of ten children’s books about race and activism.
- Books for the youngest learners.
- Booklists for early childhood educators arranged by topic area.
- A guide for selecting anti-biased children’s books.
- A list of must-read books about race and racism for children and adults.
- Anderson, Carol. (2016). White rage: The unspoken truth of our racial divide. London, U.K.: Bloomsbury Publishing.
- DiAngelo, R. (2020). White fragility: Why it’s so hard for white people to talk about racism. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.
- Irving, D. (2014). Waking up white: And finding myself in the story of race. Cambridge, MA: Elephant Press.
- Kendi, I.X. (2017). Stamped from the beginning: The definitive history of racist ideas in America. New York, NY: Bold Type Books.
- King, R., Edwards, J., & Media, T. (2018). Mindful of race: Transforming racism from the inside out. Boulder, CO: Sounds True.
- Oluo, I. (2018). So you want to talk about race. New York, NY: Seal Press.