Toddler Case Study: Sexual Behavior Reflection |
Directions: Read the case study about Jasmin, then complete the Sexual Behavior Reflection Tool. Review your responses with a trainer, coach, or administrator. Refer to the suggested answers for additional guidance. We will revisit this case study in Lesson Five so you have the opportunity to brainstorm how to support Jasmin and any other children involved. Toddler Case Study: JasminJasmin is a 33-month-old child in a toddler classroom. Jasmin has delays with social-emotional, fine-motor, cognitive, and communication skills. She can say a few words but does not use them to communicate with others and is not yet able to follow simple instructions. Jasmin pays little attention to peers and adults and prefers to play alone. Staff have been trying to learn more about what Jasmin enjoys doing at home, so they can engage her in more activities while in the program. Jasmin’s favorite play activity is throwing things—toys, cups, and various other objects. The family’s pediatrician told Lauren and Tyler, Jasmin’s parents, that Jasmin “probably has autism” and recommended they have further evaluation at a developmental clinic. Lauren and Tyler were angry when this happened, and have said they are going to, “find a new doctor.” Your program continues to work with the family, but staff are finding it increasingly challenging to care for and support Jasmin’s learning. Over the past few months, Jasmin frequently has displayed concerning sexual behaviors. She often pulls down her pants and takes off her diaper so she can touch her genitals in a self-stimulatory way. The staff report that it seems like every time they turn around, Jasmin has already taken her diaper off or is in the middle of doing so. Previously, staff would dress Jasmin in a snap onesie under her pants and this prevented her from taking her diaper off. Now that she is more coordinated, she can easily undo snaps. When staff try to prevent Jasmin from removing her clothes, and when helping her get dressed, she becomes upset and hits and bites. ![]() 1. Is the behavior random or infrequent? No. These are ongoing behaviors that occur frequently throughout the day. ![]() 2. Is the behavior typical for the child’s age and developmental ability? It is common for children this age/development to explore their bodies during certain opportunities such as bath time or when diapering, but she has limited play interests. ![]() 3. Is the behavior driven by curiosity, exploration, and playfulness? The behaviors seem to be driven by Jasmin’s interest in self-stimulation. While this is somewhat typical, this is interfering with her development of other interests and relationships with peers and adults. ![]() 4. If other children are involved, is it mutual and good-humored? No other children involved, other than observing the behavior. ![]() 5. If other children are involved, do they know each other well and are they of a similar age and development? N/A ![]() 6. Is the behavior easily redirected? No. Staff find it very difficult to redirect Jasmin to other activities and interests. Is this normative sexual behavior? Jasmin’s sexual behaviors are repeated, they are difficult to redirect, and they interfere with her development of interests and relationships. Considering her developmental delays, lack of social awareness, and past history with staff having success using the snap onesie, Jasmin’s behavior is likely a cautionary sexual behavior. |