Directions: Use this checklist to observe and document competencies that specifically address restroom and diapering practices. As you observe and reflect on a staff member’s practice, indicate how often the staff member performs the following actions using the scale provided. Share your observations with staff and use the information learned from the checklist to identify goals and focus your coaching interactions. Note: The term “children” is used throughout this checklist to refer to any individual between the ages of 6 weeks and 12 years of age. Key: 1 = Never 2 = Rarely 3 = Occasionally 4 = Often 5 = Always Staff member checks the restroom regularly to make sure toilets are flushed Staff member checks to make sure floors, doors, and walls are clean. Staff member makes sure paper towels and other trash are thrown away properly. Staff member makes sure running water, soap, paper towels, plastic bags for soiled clothing, and toilet paper are available. If possible uses a separate sink for hand washing after toileting (if they must use the same sink, makes sure it is disinfected before using it for general or food-related use). Staff member washes hands after helping children use the toilet, assisting with soiled clothing, or touching contaminated surfaces even if they wore disposable gloves. Staff member makes sure all children and adults wash their hands properly. Looks for signs that a child needs to use the restroom (notice when infants or toddlers grunt, turn red in the face, or stop playing and/or notice when preschool children squirm, hold their genital areas, or move uncomfortably). Prevents accidents by reminding preschoolers or kindergarteners to use the restroom at least every two hours and/or reminding children of all ages to use the restroom before playing outside, going on a field trip, going home, or leaving the classroom.