What languages were spoken in your home growing up?
What languages did you hear around you (in the neighborhood, on TV, at school)?
What feelings do you have about your language experiences growing up?
Do you think about your language and its history for you and your family? Why or why not? In what ways has language been important (or not important) to your family?
What has speaking your home language meant for you as a child and adult? Did your home language help you at school? Help you get a job? Help you fit in with a community?
How is language important in your family traditions and values? Think about holidays, religious events, celebrations. What songs, rhymes, sayings, or other pieces of language stick out in your memories?
How is language important in how you care for children? What language do you use to comfort a child, encourage a child, redirect a child? Where and when did you learn this language?
How is the language you use with friends and family different from the language you use at work? Even if you speak the same language in both places, how do you use language differently?
Are there terms you know because it was important to your family’s work or livelihood? For example, are there words you know (that others don’t) because your family worked in carpentry, fishing, finances, office work, military, police, etc.?
What kinds of things did or does your family do together (hunting, shopping, museums, etc.)? What role does language play?
What songs do you like to sing or play at work with children or youth? Why?