Toddler Case Study: Responding to a Sexual Behavior Challenge |
Directions: Review the case study about Jasmin, then brainstorm how you will respond to this sexual behavior challenge. Refer to the suggested answers for additional guidance. Share your responses with a trainer, coach, or administrator. Toddler Case Study: JasminJasmin is a 33-month-old child in a toddler classroom. Jasmin has delays with social-emotional, fine-motor, cognitive, and communication skills. She can say a few words but does not use them to communicate with others and is not yet able to follow simple instructions. Jasmin pays little attention to peers and adults and prefers to play alone. Staff have been trying to learn more about what Jasmin enjoys doing at home, so they can engage her in more activities while in the program. Jasmin’s favorite play activity is throwing things—toys, cups, and various other objects. The family’s pediatrician told Lauren and Tyler, Jasmin’s parents, that Jasmin “probably has autism” and recommended they have further evaluation at a developmental clinic. Lauren and Tyler were angry when this happened, and have said they are going to, “find a new doctor.” Your program continues to work with the family, but staff are finding it increasingly challenging to care for and support Jasmin’s learning. Over the past few months, Jasmin frequently has displayed concerning sexual behaviors. She often pulls down her pants and takes off her diaper so she can touch her genitals in a self-stimulatory way. The staff report that it seems like every time they turn around, Jasmin has already taken her diaper off or is in the middle of doing so. Previously, staff would dress Jasmin in a snap onesie under her pants and this prevented her from taking her diaper off. Now that she is more coordinated, she can easily undo snaps. Describe the behavior:Often pulls down her pants and takes off her diaper so she can touch her genitals in a self-stimulatory way Responding: In the Moment![]() Pause
![]() Redirect
![]() Listen
![]() Teach
Responding: After the Fact![]() Reflect
![]() Prepare
![]() Communicate