Sexual Behavior Reflection Tool: Case Study Example |
This example is based on the information from the case study described in the lesson. Review the observation notes that the program professionals (Crystal and Sheilia) used to determine if Cameron's sexual behavior was considered normative. Use this example as additional support when it comes to determining whether or not a child or youth's sexual behavior is normative. ![]() Is the behavior random or infrequent? No. While this is the first incident in which staff have observed Cameron touch another child, there is an ongoing pattern of challenging behavior. ![]() Is the behavior typical for the child’s age and developmental ability? No. Children this age should have developed other skills to problem-solve with peers. Threatening with violence or sexual acts is not typical for children this age. Most children Cameron’s age would tell an adult if they had an issue with a much younger child, knowing that younger kids have more limited problem-solving skills. It is not typical to forcefully touch another child’s private parts. ![]() Is the behavior driven by curiosity, exploration, and playfulness? No, the behavior is likely caused by a lack of social problem-solving skills. ![]() If other children are involved, is it mutual and good-humored? No, it’s aggressive and confrontational. ![]() If other children are involved, do they know each other well and are they of a similar age and development (<2 years)? While Cameron and Makayla attend the same program, there is a four-year age gap. If children Cameron’s age use sexually explicit language or even experiment with sexual touching, it is normally with same-age peers. ![]() Is the behavior easily redirected? No, staff members are generally having a difficult time redirecting Cameron’s behavior. Is this normative sexual behavior? No. Sheila and Crystal decide that based on the information they have, Cameron’s behavior is not normative and may be a sexual behavior challenge. |