Professionalism: Ongoing Professional Growth |
The National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting quality child care by strengthening the profession of family child care. The NAFCC standards address six areas of quality: (1) Relationships, (2) Environment, (3) Activities, (4) Developmental Learning Goals, (5) Safety and Health, and (6) Professional and Business Practices. Research has shown that there is a link between the quality of a child care setting and the training and professional development that the child care provider in the setting receives. As you complete this module on professionalism, write three short goals to continue your professional growth and how you plan to meet those goals. Strategies and activities can include professional reading, finding a mentor, learning new technology, etc. Think about ways to meet these goals over the next year. You may want to share your plans with a mentor or family child care administrator.